Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our Button Quail...

Meschelelai's Aviary is a small aviary that raises and sells Chinese Button Quail. We also accept trades from time to time, for things such as quail food, cages, dog/hamster/mice food etc. We have several different types of button quail including European, Red & Blue Breasted, Splashed, Speckled, Calico, White, Slate, and Pearl. There are several variations to each of these. We have been caring for and raising button quail for a little over three years. They are such wonderful little birds and have brought such tremendous joy into our lives. It is our hope that they do the same for you and your family.

Chinese Button Quail are the smallest quail in the world and the fastest growing bird. At eight weeks they are considered full adults and can start reproducing.  They are the easiest of the quail to take care of and are considered Cleaner Birds. They go great at the bottom of cages that house parrots, finches, etc because they clean up the excess food as well as waste. They make excellent pets for children as they are mild mannered and teach children responsibility without a lot of fuss involved. 

The pictures below are of our adults when they were babies...They are the size of a penny when they are first born and grow no larger than the palm of your hand. They can feed and drink on their own from the moment they are hatched. This is another reason they make such a great pet!

We will have babies for sale on a regular basis, and adults from time to time. We also will have eggs for sale regularly. If we are backed up and you want eggs we will be more than happy to place you on our waiting list. Please check in on our blog from time to time as there will be updates frequently. Thanks for exploring our blog...have a great day!

We thank you for your business and look forward to sharing our love of Chinese button quail with you. We are always here to answer your questions and help guide you through the journey or raising your own button quail.

God Bless,

The Kennedy's
compared to a penny
baby button quail-2 days old
balancing on a spoon

Below are pictures of how they look as of today March 17, 2011.
european speckled

blue breasted
blue speckled
blue & red breasted
Blue & Red Breasted Male

Rare white


Gray European


  1. Replies
    1. Yep we had some runts, but they are strong little ones and most made it!

  2. They are ADORABLE! I have been trying to find out more about them and if there was someone who sold them near home. I would love you talk to you more about them. I am fascinated by them and they seem to be a great pet for a small home.

  3. Bonnie,

    Yes they are some very sweet babies for sure! They also make wonderful pets, are awesome around kids and other animals, and are so easy to care for. Where do you live if you don't mind me asking. We live in York, SC about an hour from the heart of Charlotte. If you would like to learn more and talk to me some more about them please call me at 704-578-7106. If I don't answer please leave me a message with your phone number and I will call you back ASAP. Thanks and have a great day!
